Design and make the future with Howick at AU2023


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What is happening in the AEC  industry to break down the barriers between design and construction? 

Come and find out at AU2023 Las Vegas, Nov 13-15 and visit the team from Howick at Booth 881.

Register for AU2023

AU2023 (Autodesk University) is the Design and Make conference hosted by Autodesk and attracts over 10,000 innovators within architecture, engineering, construction, product design, and manufacturing. They come together to share ideas, advance industry practices, and explore opportunities for the future. 

As a pioneer in roll-forming technology, Howick will be there with our industry partner, Graitec, to answer all your questions about how digital-to-physical workflows can open up new possibilities for smarter building.

Embracing combined technologies for intelligent construction

Within construction, we believe the big opportunity in the ‘Design and Make’ space lies in the ‘and’ part – where design software and production hardware meet – and we are constantly pushing for better ways to turn digital design into physical reality. 

By integrating technologies, we can pave a more intelligent path to construction. Howick machines use open language control systems and are software agnostic, so you have greater freedom to go from vision to execution without any friction.

Get up close with Howick FRAMATM technology

Visit us at Booth 881 to see one of our FRAMATM machines up close. Our team will be on hand to explain unique features such as end-bearing stud details for load-bearing frames and a swage and dimple design for smooth joints and flush wall linings.

Our FRAMATM range of light steel roll-forming machines are the workhorses of precision offsite and modular construction. There are options for manufacturing everything from standardized framing right through to load-bearing frames, plus highly specialized machines for things like floor joists. And, with our X-TENDATM machine, you can even produce extendable framing componentry for interior walls and ceilings. 

Find out at AU2023 how you can design and make the future you imagine.

Register here today

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October 2023   #Events